Every year, the European Student Council awards a personality for his or her commitment in the defense of Human Rights and Freedom of Expression.
Largely inspired by the Sakharov Prize, the European Student Council's Malala Prize allows our students representatives to have a reflection about those two issues which are Human Rights and Freedom of Expression.
Several candidates are presented by different groups of students and one of them is elected by all of the representatives to be awarded. Candidates are chosen for their local commitment (associations, journalists, writers, etc.) but should not have already an international or national recognition.
Year 2017
In 2017 the European Student Council awarded Father Antonios Papanikolaou, a Greek christian priest, who from his youth has created the Organisation "The Ark of the World", providing shelter, food, educational, psychological, social and economic help to underprivileged, abandoned or abused children, without any racial, ethnic or religious restrictions.
The several establishments and shelters of the Arch are located in different parts of Greece, such as Athens, Piraeus, island of Chios, city of Volos, the village of Pogoniani in Epirus. The Arch is recently involved in helping and sheltering unaccompanied minor refugees.
See the complete description made by the students:

Year 2018
In 2018 the European Student Council awarded Marianna Vardinogiannis. She was born in Greece in 1937 and raised in Athens. She studied Economics at the Denver University of Colorado after her gratuation from a high school in Athens. She is married to Vardis Vardinogiannis and have 5 children. She is an UNESCO ambassador and an active personality in both regional and international level that fights for the righs of children and the familly, and she is known for her combats against the sexual abuse of children, via the foundation for the Child and the Family which was created by her. Also, Marianna Vardinogiannis, in recognition of her contribution and her afforts to create a Europe of Citizens, was distinguished as Woman of Europe.

She started her action in the social field many years ago as member or participant in various associations and beneficiary institutes, fighting for peace and global solidarity, children's health, education, social welfare and against poverty, violation of human rights and children's abuse. She has developed a dynamic action in the field of international relationships, networking and co-operation for the establishment of a culture of peace in the world focusing on the areas which are effected by armed conflicts such as Palestine and former Yugoslavia. In 1996, Mrs Vardinogiannis founded "ELPIDA", the Association of Friends of Children with Cancer.
Marianna Vardinoyannis' contribution to the protection of human rights is multifaceted. Her interest extends to health, education, social welfare and poverty, violation of human rights, child abuse and exploitation.

The students of the Panou School in Nafpaktos, Greece, awarding Marianna Vardinoyannis with the Malala Prize