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Europe, a point of view from...

This page is aimed to show how different could be the points of view about Europe depending on where you live in EU.

This work has been done during the 2016-2017 school year.

A point of view from Strasbourg

Interview of Ms Dita Charanzova, MP and sponsor of the European Student Council.

Interview of Ms Anne Sander, MP .

Interview of Ms Anne Billaut, Director of the Lieu d'Europe in Strasbourg.

How the students of the European School of Strasbourg feel about living among the European Institutions?

A point of view from Thessaloniki, Greece

This video presents how the students of the 5th General Lyceum of Thessaloniki see European Union, what they think about European values, what they expect from their European future, how they feel about being Europeans. In addition to that we have included in this video some activities and scenes of the 21st March, the World Day against racism, when refugee students have visited our school and shared with us some valuable moments and feelings of understanding, acceptance and sollidarity.

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