History of the project
In September 2015, a group of French students from the academic council for high school's life asked for the creation of a European Council of high schools students. The challenge accepted...
Since 2005, three French Academy organised a European meeting every year with students from france, belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. These European Student Days (Journées Européennes des Lycéens) will became the starting point of the creation of an European council of students.
From March 30th to April 1st of 2016, about sixty high school students from Greece, Romania and France met in Strasbourg, at the European Parliament to promote European citizenship and students’ representability in Europe.
This three days meeting was the first step of a project aimed to propose the creation of a long-term representative body for high school students in Europe. It was first the wish of elected students of the Strasbourg’s academic council for high school life to create such a representative body. Students from the Academy of Strasbourg were involved in this project, with their colleagues from the Academies of Reims and Nancy-Metz in France, but also our partners from Liceul Tehnologic Baia de Fier, Grup Scolar "C. Brancoveanu", Horezu in Romania, 5th General Lyceum of Thessaloniki in Greece and IS di Larino, Larino Italia.
We decided to prepare this meeting in an eTwinning project.
After two days discovering the European Institutions and discussing about their future European citizenship, the different ways of representability for students in Europe and, on April the 1st, at the European Parliament in the presence of Ms Dita Charanzová (MP) and Ms Nawel Rafik-Elmrini (deputy mayor of the city of Strasbourg for the European relationship), every participant discussed and voted for a constitution to propose the creation of this representative body, which is now called European Student Council. Students and teachers did their best for this project to be successful.