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The 2018 session took place in Strasbourg from the 21st to the 23rd of March 2018.
1st Day, Opening the ESC
Ancre 1
Arrival of the delegations at the European School of Strasbourg:

Inaugural speech, program of the meetings:

Elections for President and Vice President:
The council elects its own president and vice-president. President and vice-president should come from two different countries.
These are three pairs of candidates who sent their application:

And the results, after a vote with Plickers:

Visiting the European School with native speakers guides and dinner at the EES:
2nd Day, Workshops at the European Parliament
Day 2
On the second day of the meeting, representatives were invited to participate to different workshops at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

3rd Day, Plenary session
Day 3
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